To live in this world is a much greater journey than we think.
Paula D'Arcy
The mystery of life lies deep within.
We cannot be apart from it,
only unaware of its presence.
Paula D'Arcy
All our lives are linked.
Paula D'Arcy
We are all traveling together.
There is only one road.
Paula D'Arcy
The true work of our lives is love.
Paula D'Arcy
We all help or hinder things by the measure
of our loving.
Paula D'Arcy
We the people
hold the heart of this world.
Such an incredible responsibility
can only be understood from within.
Paula D'Arcy
No matter how strong the chaos,
light is always the greater power.
Paula D'Arcy
Even in the darkest dark, light.
Paula D'Arcy
We are always choosing how large we'll let our
experience of life be.
Paula D'Arcy
We are always free to choose love.
Paula D'Arcy
Sometimes visible, sometimes not, a living light is everywhere.
Paula D'Arcy
Everything is speaking to us.
Paula D'Arcy
There is so much in this beautiful world to protect.
Paula D'Arcy
Our deeper nature sees from an entirely different perspective.
Paula D'Arcy
Treat nothing casually,
Everything is here for us.
Paula D'Arcy
We're alive here together,
asked to embody a great love.
A lesser love will not be enough.
Paula D' Arcy
Stop more often, and for longer moments.
Awaken within the small story of your life,
and go beyond it, as we must.
Paula D' Arcy
No one knows what lies ahead...
We can only be present to where we are.
Paula D' Arcy
Don't let the past be your dwelling place.
Heal what must be healed, and open to this day.
Paula D'Arcy
Don't rush past this day.
Paula D'Arcy
Everything we touch and see is on loan.
Hold things wisely.
Paula D'Arcy
There is a knowledge already within us, and all Nature reveals its wisdom.
Paula D'Arcy
Depending upon where we place our attention,
a very different conversation with life begins.
Paula D' Arcy
Let Nature take you to the mystery of things.
Paula D'Arcy
There is great brokeness in the world and greater still, an undeniable light moving in all things.
Paula D' Arcy
Both shadow and light teach.
Paula D' Arcy
To look at the earth
if only once
and truly see it.
Paula D'Arcy
Within all things (including change and loss)
is the invisible movement of a great love.
Paula D'Arcy
Far beyond how things appear,
something vast waits to be known.
Paula D'Arcy
Slow down and give your soul the stillness it needs.
Paula D'Arcy
Even as we lose ourselves in so many things, the silent earth emits her great summons.
Paula D'Arcy
We are here as part of a larger story.
Paula D' Arcy
Safety and Peace
We alone can make the changes to bring them to our world.
Paula D' Arcy
No one owns this Love;
We carry it together.
Paula D' Arcy
Within all life there are the seeds of peace and hope.
Paula D'Arcy
Nothing is static.
Love is flowing through everything.
Paula D'Arcy
Stillness is something we enter when we are ready.
Paula D'Arcy
So much would change if only we'd take care of one another.
Paula D' Arcy
Everything reaches out to us
in a language we barely speak.
Paula D' Arcy
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Red Bird Foundation was founded by Paula D'Arcy in 2001 as a non-profit foundation dedicated to assisting others in the transformation of pain and the restoration of hope.
Photography by Ashley Unbehagen